Support US
Passion for Learning provides a truly eclectic mix of services to children and their families. Everything that we do is bespoke and designed to deal very specifically with the challenges that impact on the communities that we support. For this reason, there are so many different ways that you can help. We are always looking for new ideas so never hesitate to get in touch. Many hands make light work!

Our volunteer team is the backbone of everything that we do. Our activities and services are so diverse that there’s something for everyone. To find out more about volunteering, please follow this

If you, your company, your school or even your family would like to make a donation, then size really doesn’t matter! Larger donations can support whole projects and we’re always happy to hear your ideas. The smallest donations also make a difference by, for example, buying a child their first ever book to keep.

​Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, then a simple form enables us to claim a further 25% on top of your donation and these funds enable us to do so much more.

Company Sponsorship
One of the most valuable things that your company can do for our children is to sponsor an enrichment club or event. We want to connect our children to the world of work and excite them about the careers that they could have in the future. Our sponsors fund our clubs, but they also get involved with events, activities and much more. Please get in touch if you think that you might be able to help in this way.

​Company Volunteer Days
Many companies discuss with us what team members can do to support our activities and fulfil their company’s volunteering goals. Please contact us for further information.

Company Tours
Seeing the world of work makes a difference to the life chances of the children we support. Many of the young people we work with do not have connections with the world of work. A tour around your site or office can give them the motivation that they need to fulfil their potential and become an employee of the future.

Goods In Kind
Passion for Learning enriches the children’s lives with an incredible range of exciting and imaginative activities. Gifted item from pizza to paints, skips to skipping ropes all make our funds go further. If you have anything that you could donate, then please get in touch and we just might find a way to use it.

Pro Bono
On occasions we need expert support that we simply can’t afford to pay for. If a member of your team has time and skills that they wish to donate, whether finance or photography, then please get in touch.