To promote and support the enrichment, education and mental well-being of our children and their communities; to motivate, empower and enable them to fulfil their potential.

What Our Friends Say
Rob Hughes St Mary of the Angels
The thought put into these bags has also enhanced all the children’s key skills; lovely reading books for them to keep; number activities in a fun way; so that they can benefit from learning through play, at a time when many are playing ‘catch up’ in learning, after the recent lockdown. This is why your team’s creativity is so treasured by so many local schools and their grateful staff.

What Our Friends Say
Kevin Manning Headteacher Elton Primary
Our children’s comments show how helpful the bags have been to the families in creating opportunities for families to come together for new, shared experiences even during a pandemic that has shut down lots of the usual opportunities for the families. A common theme was how nice it was to share with a sibling and how it was good chill out time. The cooking was obviously a big hit: the chance to try something new while also creating quality time with the parents was clear from all the children.